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2 comentários:
Hello Fabricio,
(sorry to write this as a comment in your blog - feel free to delete - didn't know how else to contact you)
I stumbled over you podcast/mp3 player and I really, really like the look of it. Is there any chance that I could use it on my non-profit podcast. And if I can, how do I do it?
2 comentários:
Hello Fabricio,
(sorry to write this as a comment in your blog - feel free to delete - didn't know how else to contact you)
I stumbled over you podcast/mp3 player and I really, really like the look of it. Is there any chance that I could use it on my non-profit podcast. And if I can, how do I do it?
Please email me on
All the best
Ulrik Poulsen - London
Hi Ulrik,
I've sent you an email, but basically all you need is in
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